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Neck Lift New York City

Introduction to Neck Lift

A turkey neck is a tell-tale sign of aging. Neck lift procedures can reverse the “turkey neck” appearance and compliments other facial rejuvenation procedures. At our world-class practice on 5th Avenue in NYC, a neck lift is a common procedure for both. men and women. Like the eyes, the neck can be a tell-tale sign of aging. In a young person, the neck has a sharp transition from the chin to the neck. With aging, however, loosening of the skin and underlying muscle blurs this clear transition. The term “turkey neck” describes such an image. Multiple vertical bands under the skin also appear and give the person an aged appearance. A neck lift can be performed by Dr. Lao at his NYC practice to help decrease this aging appearance. Occasionally a neck lift or liposuction is needed in young people with a “double chin” appearance because of the accumulation of fat under the chin.

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What is a Necklift?

A neck lift is a surgical procedure designed to eradicate the signs of aging that become prevalent in the neck as one gets older. The procedure involves removing excess skin, repairing the underlying muscle structures, and recontouring the neck to give a more youthful appearance and improve one’s facial profile. Dr. Lao will customize a surgical plan to perform the neck lift depending on the appearance of the neck. In younger patients with good skin, liposuction is the only modality needed to restore a good contour. Based on an individual’s profile, chin augmentation can be added for the best result and contour. In older patients, often a neck lift can be combined with a facelift to provide a total rejuvenation of the face/neck and rid of the annoying vertical bands and excess skin.

Who are the Best Candidates for a Necklift?

Before undergoing the neck lift surgery, patients must first schedule a consultation to find out if they make a good fit for the procedure. If you’re considering the neck lift, you should be in good physical health without any underlying medical conditions that can interfere with healing and have realistic expectations.

Blonde short haired woman looking to her side

What are the Benefits of a Necklift?

As one of the top neck lift practices in NYC, Dr. Lao has had the benefit of treating thousands of aesthetic patients. Below, we’ve included some of the top advantages we’ve seen firsthand from getting a neck lift in New York with Dr. William Lao:

  • A neck lift will improve your self-confidence
  • Have a slimmer neck and jawline
  • Get rid of a “turkey neck”
  • Look and feel years younger!

What’s the First Step?

Before the neck lift surgery, Dr. Lao will perform an evaluation to develop a surgical plan that’s customized to fit your aesthetic needs. He will also provide you with a set of instructions that you must adhere to in order to ensure a safe surgery and a speedy recovery. These instructions may include stopping the use of certain medications and If you are a smoker, you will be asked to stop smoking in the time leading to the surgical procedure.

What to Expect on the Day of a Necklift?

Dr. William Lao uses general anesthesia during the procedure. The surgery will take between 2-3 hours to perform and will be done by Dr. Lao in his NYC office. Your surgeon will then put two incisions located around your ears. Dr. Lao will then lift the sagging tissue and trim any excess skin. In certain cases, your surgeon will also tighten the neck muscle which is referred to as a Platysmal Plication. Your new neck contour will help reduce signs of a turkey neck.

Blue eyed woman with freckles showing her perfect face
Brunette woman with blue eyes



Time: 2-3 hours

General Anesthesia or Local Anesthesia


Ambulate the night of surgery

Shower 2 days after surgery

5 to 7 days off work


6 weeks from heavy lifting and swimming

Necklift Recovery

During your recovery, Dr. Lao may have you wear a healing garment for a few days. Pain medication will also be prescribed to help with any discomfort. Patients typically can return to their normal activities after 1-2 weeks. Please check with Dr. Lao on when you’ll be able to return to strenuous activities like working out.

Why Choose Dr. Lao?

Dr. William Lao is a double-board certified plastic surgeon with over a decade of experience helping patients achieve a more youthful-looking neck and face. Dr. Lao is a constant contributor to the aesthetic publication, NewBeauty, where he loans his expertise on facial and neck rejuvenation.

How Much Does a Necklift Cost in New York City?

The average cost of a neck lift in New York City typically starts at $5,000 and can go up to around $15,000. Prices vary based on factors like anesthesia costs, surgeon fees, and the complexity of the procedure. For the most accurate cost estimate, we recommend scheduling a consultation with Dr. William Lao. During your consultation, our patient coordinator will provide a detailed quote for surgery.


Is a Necklift painful?

You’ll be under anesthesia during the surgery and will not feel a thing. A neck lift is an outpatient surgery, so you’ll be able to rest and recuperate from the luxury of your home. If you are feeling uncomfortable following surgery, Dr. Lao will be able to provide pain medication to help alleviate any discomfort.

How long until I see results?

Immediately after surgery, you’ll be able to see your results. However, you may be swollen, so the results will look best after a few weeks. Every day, the results will look better and better.

Can I combine a Neck lift with other procedures?

Many of our NYC neck lift patients combine the surgery with a facelift, brow lift, or eyelid surgery. By combining the surgery with other treatments, you’ll be able to look younger and more refreshed all over the face, rather than just the neck.

Schedule Your Consultation

Dr. William Lao is a renowned, double-board-certified plastic surgeon in NYC and Taiwan. He proudly provides every patient with personalized care and stunning results they can carry with confidence. If you’re interested in learning more about New York City neck lift, contact our office to schedule a consultation today.

Real patient before facelift photo


Real patient after facelift photo


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View of Manhattan, NYC outside of Dr. Lao Plastic Surgery

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Dr. Lao has provided surgery for patients from almost every continent in the world. With such a wide range, patients frequently ask about travel arrangements for surgery.

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We’re here to help, with a number of patient resources designed to make your experience as comfortable as possible. Read through the materials below, and don’t hesitate to reach out and set up your consultation to learn more about what we can do for you.

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