Male Breast Reduction New York City
Introduction To Male Breast Reduction
Male breast reduction surgery, or gynecomastia resection, is a procedure that is opted for when men have overdeveloped or enlarged breasts. This condition is known as gynecomastia. Dr. William Lao is a top plastic surgeon specializing in male breast reduction in NYC and looks forward to meeting you and becoming part of your journey to a more self-confident YOU!

What is Male Breast Reduction Surgery?
Gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts) is a very common condition amongst the male population of middle age, and those who suffer from gynecomastia may experience intense emotional discomfort and self-confidence issues. It often is a source of psychiatric stress and social embarrassment.
People with this condition often feel embarrassed to go to the beach, hot spring, the locker room, or any place where they have to take their shirts off. They also dislike the full-breasted look when they put on T-shirts during the summertime. In severe cases, they have the same problems as ladies with large breasts, such as shoulder and neck pain and rashes under the breastfold.
Most gynecomastia can be taken care of by a combination of liposuction and direct excision. The scar is usually well hidden and nearly invisible after it is completely healed. In larger-breasted men, similar techniques to female breast reduction will be needed to completely remove excess fat and reduce the breast size. Surgery is usually well-tolerated and people are usually satisfied with their more masculine chest appearance.
Why does Gynecomastia occur?
Gynecomastia, or male breast, usually affects teenagers and elderly men, though it can affect men of all age groups. It also has a higher incidence in the obese population.
It can occur due to a number of reasons:
Weight gain
Hormonal imbalance
Genetic Conditions
Use of certain medications (i.e. treatments for prostate cancer, heart disease, HIV)
Use of drugs like anabolic steroids
A medical condition (i.e. impaired liver function, male breast cancer)
What are the stages of gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is typically classified into four stages based on the degree of breast tissue development:
Stage 1: There is a small amount of breast tissue present, and the condition is often referred to as “pseudo-gynecomastia” because it is caused by an accumulation of fat rather than breast tissue.
Stage 2: There is a moderate amount of breast tissue present, and the nipple may begin to puff out slightly.
Stage 3: There is a significant amount of breast tissue present, and the nipple and areola may begin to enlarge.
Stage 4: There is a large amount of breast tissue present, and the breast may resemble the breast of a female.
It’s important to note that the classification of gynecomastia stages can be different between clinics and surgeons.

What are the benefits of Male Breast Reduction surgery?
Many of Dr. Lao’s patients who are experiencing gynecomastia have seen the following benefits from male breast reduction surgery:
Boosted confidence and self-esteem
Removes excess breast tissue
Improved posture
More comfortable physical activity
More masculine appearance
Who are the best candidates for Gynecomastia surgery?
The best candidates for Male Breast Reduction Surgery are in overall good health, are not currently experiencing active diseases, or have serious, pre-existing medical conditions. You should have enough skin laxity that can adapt to the new contours of your body. You should also maintain realistic expectations and keep a positive mentality for the outcome of your surgery. In order to maintain your results, we suggest practicing a healthy lifestyle with a proper diet and regular exercise.
What’s the First Step?
The first step in getting a male breast reduction procedure performed is to schedule a private consultation with Dr. William Lao himself. When you come into our office for your appointment, you will meet with Dr. Lao where you will be able to ask all of your questions and express your concerns. He will examine your chest area, ask you about your medical history and lifestyle, and discuss all of your options, including the pros and cons.
Once the two of you have agreed upon the best techniques to achieve your desired outcome, Dr. Lao will create your customized surgical plan. Our Patient Coordinator will be able to help you schedule your procedure date and provide you with some instructions to follow that will help you achieve the best results possible.
How can Gynecomastia be Treated?
In some cases, gynecomastia is temporary and will not need treatment. In others, corrective methods must be used depending on the cause of the issue.
Those who are experiencing gynecomastia as a result of medications or recreational drugs should cease usage in order to rectify the condition. Diet and exercise can also help, depending on the type of gynecomastia experienced.
When non-surgical treatment options have proven ineffective, male breast reduction is needed. It is recommended that teenagers or young adults undergo this surgical treatment only after their chest is fully developed. If they get it done while they are adolescents, they may have to undergo a secondary procedure as their chest continues to grow.
What to expect on the day of Male Breast Reduction Surgery
Gynecomastia correction is usually performed in an outpatient facility, and either local or general anesthesia is administered beforehand. Dr. Lao will discuss the pros and cons of each with you during your consultation. The procedure takes about one to three hours to complete.
There are a variety of techniques that Dr. Lao can use for breast reduction. When you consult with him before the surgery, the method best suited to your condition will be determined. This will be based on the tissue composition of your male breasts.
Liposuction is typically performed for correction in cases where the excess tissue is mostly fatty tissue. This involves the insertion of a tool called a cannula through the liposuction incisions. The cannula loosens up the excess fat, which is then removed through the cannula with medical suction.
In situations where the excess tissue is mostly glandular breast tissue, excision must be employed. This involves the removal of the glandular tissue using a scalpel.
Excess skin is often also removed during this process. This is performed using a scalpel. If the areolae need to be reduced or repositioned, this can be done as well.
Most gynecomastia can be taken care of by a combination of liposuction and direct surgical excision. In larger-breasted men, similar techniques to female breast reduction will be needed to reduce the breast size completely.
Incisions are made around the areolae to provide access for the removal of the excess glandular tissue or fatty tissue. Additional small incisions may be made if required. Once the excess tissue is removed, the incisions are closed with stitches and the remaining skin is tightened.
The scar is usually well hidden and nearly invisible after it is completely healed. Surgery is typically well-tolerated and people are generally satisfied with the results.

Male Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery
After your surgery, we will monitor you in the recovery room until you awaken from your sedation. Since Male Breast Reduction is an outpatient procedure, you will be able to recover comfortably in your own home. You will need a friend or family member available to drive you home, and we recommend having a responsible adult stay with you for the first day or so.
A few days after going through the surgery, most patients usually feel some amount of pain and discomfort, which can be controlled with the help of prescription pain-control medication.
You will need to wear a compression garment for at least two weeks to reduce swelling. There will be some bruising that will eventually subside over the next week or so. Patients can soon return to their regular physical activities and daily schedule, though physically taxing activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least four weeks. Short walks are encouraged to promote blood circulation. You should always discuss with Dr. Lao when he feels you’re ok to resume your normal activities.
You should be fully healed between three and six months, there should be no visible scars and you will be able to enjoy your more masculine chest.
Why Choose Dr. Lao?
William Lao, M.D. is a double-board-certified plastic surgeon who possesses a comprehensive understanding of the aesthetic ideals of both East and West. Using advanced surgical techniques and concepts from both worlds, he can seamlessly customize surgical procedures to provide the best results possible. After receiving his Doctorate of Medicine at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Lao further pursued his education by completing six years of integrated residency training at the Medical College of Wisconsin in plastic and reconstructive surgery.
As one of NYC’s most prestigious and experienced plastic surgeons, he is a proud member of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), and he is a founding member of the Asian Society for Breast Plastic Reconstructive Surgery.
How Much Does Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in New York City?
The average cost of Male Breast Reduction in New York City typically starts at $5,000 and can range up to $14,000 or more. Prices vary based on factors such as the extent of tissue removal needed, anesthesia costs, and surgeon fees. For a personalized cost estimate and detailed information about the procedure, we recommend scheduling a consultation with Dr. William Lao. During your consultation, our patient coordinator will provide a tailored quote and address any questions you may have regarding male breast reduction surgery.
Schedule Your Consultation
Our NYC gynecomastia treatment patients feel that the surgery greatly benefits their lives, providing more self-confidence. Scheduling a male breast reduction consultation in New York City with Dr. William Lao is as simple as contacting our office for an appointment. To set up your informative consultation, get in touch today!
Is Male Breast Reduction Surgery painful?
The surgery itself is typically non-painful or has very minimal pain (may vary from patient to patient) and is performed under general or local anesthesia. During your recovery period, you may feel some soreness for the first few days, but this can be treated with either pain medication prescribed by Dr. Lao, over-the-counter pain medication, or by wearing compression garments.
How long until I see results?
Although you may begin to notice some results from your surgery almost immediately, most male breast reduction patients can fully notice their final results within 3 and 6 months following their procedure.
Can I combine Male Breast Reduction Surgery with other procedures?
What are the risks associated with Male Breast Reduction Surgery?
Any time you undergo cosmetic surgery, there is always some potential risk. The risks associated with Male Breast Reduction Surgery are:
- Bleeding
- Bruising
- Contour Irregularities
- Fluid accumulation (rare)
- Loose Breast Skin and Asymmetries
- Loss of Nipple Skin
- Numbness of the Nipples
- Visible Scarring
How many appointments will I need?
Most of our patients are able to see full results from their Male Breast Reduction procedure in just one surgical appointment. Depending on the individual case, you may need additional or revision surgery which will be assessed during your follow-up appointment.
Following your surgery, you will be required to check in for a series of follow-up appointments. Dr. Lao will monitor your healing, your pain, and how you are recovering overall. He will also advise you when you can remove bandages and tubes.
Is Gynecomastia dangerous?
Gynecomastia is not typically considered to be dangerous, however, it can cause physical discomfort and embarrassment, as well as affect one's self-esteem. In some cases, it can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition that requires further evaluation and treatment.
In rare cases, the breast tissue may be hard or painful, which could indicate a breast tumor. If this is the case, then further evaluation and treatment will be required. It’s important to consult your personal physician if you notice any changes in your breast tissue, such as a hard lump or pain.
It’s important to note that in some cases, gynecomastia may be caused by the use of certain medications or recreational drugs, and discontinuing these may resolve the issue. In other cases, the underlying cause may be a hormonal imbalance, and addressing this issue may resolve gynecomastia.
What Will My Male Breast Reduction Scars Look Like?
Typically the incisions made will be small and, when healed, often unnoticeable. Depending on your unique treatment plan, the incisions may be located under the arm or around the areola (the pigmented area around the nipple). Dr. Lao takes great care to minimize the appearance of scars. Patients usually are so happy with the results that they don’t mind the marks.
That said, the scars will never be completely invisible. In some cases, larger incisions may be necessary, and Dr. Lao will discuss this possibility if it applies to you. We can also discuss various scar revision techniques to help enhance your results during your initial consultation.
When can I work out after male breast reduction?
We know that you're excited to get yourself into that perfect physique but keep in mind that just like building muscle, your body also needs time to heal so it too can get stronger. Most patients will be able to return to some very light exercise within a week or two of post-surgery, and then slowly resume their workout routine after about a month.
After each of your follow-up appointments, Dr. Lao will let you know how he believes you are healing and when you are able to resume certain activities.
Will weight gain after surgery affect my results?
Will Gynecomastia return if I take steroids or medications?
You should always avoid illicit drug use for the sake of your overall health, but your gynecomastia is unlikely to return regardless.
Prior to your Male Breast Reduction surgery, Dr. Lao will address any underlying causes of the condition, especially if they could potentially pose other health concerns. Although usually genetic, Gynecomastia can also often be caused by drugs such as steroids, both prescribed medications and illicit drug use.
With this in mind, it will still be unlikely for these drugs to cause gynecomastia to regenerate even with continued use. Taking steroids after your gynecomastia surgery most likely will not jeopardize your results, however, it is very important to disclose your health history with Dr. Lao, including your previous gynecomastia and gynecomastia surgery, during your consultation. We will also advise you to monitor any physical changes to your chest, and if your gynecomastia continues or worsens, then you should consider discontinuing the steroids.