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Hair Transplant New York City


Hair transplant, or micrografting, is taking hair follicles from an area of hair abundance to the area where hair loss has occurred. As we know from haircuts and styling, the appearance of hair has a major impact on the overall outlook of a person. A receding hairline creates a premature aging look and further increases daily stress due to worry of progressive hair loss. In selected patients, hair transplants can restore a youthful appearance by replanting hair to the anterior hairline. In traumatic cases, techniques of hair transplant can also be used to restore lost beard or eyebrow hair from the previous injury. At Dr. Lao’s office in NYC, hair transplant has been an increasingly popular procedure.

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What is a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplantation is a cosmetic procedure designed to restore one’s hair by surgically removing hair from one area (donor site) of the body and transplanting it to another. In many cases, the hair is removed from the sides or back of the head and transplanted to the top. It’s an excellent solution for those suffering from thinning hair or significant balding.

Who are the Best Candidates for a Hair Transplant?

As one of the leading aesthetic practices in NYC, Dr. Lao sees patients of all ages, ethnicities, and genders. Dr. Lao believes that the best candidate for a hair transplant is anyone who feels self-conscious about thinning/ loss of hair. We also highly encourage that you be a healthy adult who maintains realistic expectations from the hair transplant.

Confident man downtown talking on phone wearing a suit

What are the Benefits of a Hair Transplant?

While the results are not visible immediately, our patients have been very excited about the new hair growth. We’ve included some of the advantages we’ve seen firsthand from our New York hair transplant patients. Some of the major benefits that Dr. Lao has noticed in his patients are:

  • The amount of confidence that is regained from having a healthy head of hair.
  • The treatment can be a permanent remedy.
  • Hair transplantation gives you an enhanced appearance.
  • The treatment is very low maintenance, and it’s natural looking!

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3000 hair grafting journey!

Dr. Lao’s Hair Transplant Expertise in NYC

  • Dr. William Lao has been successful in performing hair transplants over the last 10 years.
  • Winner of the 2022 Top Doctor award from NEW BEAUTY
  • Graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a double major, followed by a Doctorate in Medicine
  • Dr. Lao is a member of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 
  • He has written chapters in several textbooks about multiple cosmetic plastic surgeries.
  • Performed as a Faculty and Live Surgery Demonstrator for the 6th Chang Gung Aesthetic Forum in 2016

Hair Transplant at First Glance

  • Surgery Time: 4 – 8 hours
  • Price: ~$6,000 – $15,000 (For an accurate cost, please ask during your consultation). 
  • Recovery: Most patients return home on the day of surgery and can return to their routine within 7 – 14 days.
  • Results: It takes about 6 – 12 months post-surgery to see the full effect from hair transplant procedure.

Why Does Hair Loss Occur?

There is a very popular myth that hair loss comes from the mother’s side of the family, so if your grandfather is bald, you may be expecting to be bald one day yourself. The basis for this theory is a result of the scientifically proven fact that the androgen receptor (AR) gene creates the receptor on your hair follicles that interact with testosterone and DHT. This gene IS located on the X chromosome, which is double-downed in a female’s DNA. While there is plenty of logical reasoning leading to the very popular conclusion, the truth is that there is much more to it than that. In addition to the possibility of “inheriting” it, hair loss can be the result of hormonal changes, aging, environmental stress, or medical conditions.

What’s the First Step?

The first to get a hair transplant in NYC is to book a consultation with Dr. Lao. We offer free consultations for our New York hair patients, which allows them to come to our state-of-the-art office, meet Dr. Lao, ask questions, and get familiar with the procedure. If you and Dr. Lao both feel that this is the best treatment for you, we’ll book your appointment.

Dr. Lao will have pre and postoperative instructions for you to closely follow. These guidelines ensure that we can provide you with the best possible results. Please be as upfront and honest with Dr. Lao as possible. Remember, good communication will help lead to great results with your hair transplant.

Beard & Facial Hair Transplant

Many of our New York hair transplantation patients ask if it’s possible to use the same techniques we use on the scalp on the face. This is possible and the procedure is something Dr. Lao has a lot of experience with. The rugged look comes and goes, and oftentimes patients who can’t grow a beard, wish they could. In these situations, Dr. Lao is able to use his personalized hair transplantation technique to help achieve a more full beard.

Eyebrow Transplant

Eyebrow transplantations are becoming increasingly more popular. The current trends are thick and even bushy eyebrows. While some patients have tried microblading (tattoos on the eyebrows), this doesn’t give real hair growth. Using a similar technique as we do on the scalp, Dr. Lao is able to help patients grow thick eyebrows with their own hair.


There are mainly two techniques of hair transplants. The Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) involves taking a strip of hair and scalp, most commonly from the back of the head, then under magnification divides them into smaller units and then implants them. Dr. Lao will dissect the tissue and transplant the individual follicles to the area where the hair is thinning. This process may also leave a linear post-surgical mark. The other technique, which is called follicular unit extraction (FUE) is taking individual hair follicles and then implanting them one by one into the anterior scalp. The advantage of FUE is no visible scar but requires slightly more time and a larger hair donor area during the procedure.

What to Expect on the Day of a Hair Transplant?

Dr. Lao will begin your hair transplant procedure by cleansing the scalp. He will then administer a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area and ensure that you remain comfortable throughout the entire process. After the anesthetic takes effect, the donor hair follicles will then be harvested from the designated areas using the FUE or FUT methods. Once the necessary amount of hair is removed, it will then be placed precisely into the recipient area.

Close up portrait of a brunette woman with perfect skin and smile
Man checking his phone at a train station platform



Time: 5-8 hours

Local Anesthesia


Ambulate the night of surgery

Shower 2 days after surgery

May return to work next day


No submerge in water for two weeks

Hair Transplant Recovery

You may feel some discomfort after the surgery is completed. We’ll provide medication to help you feel more comfortable as you heal, reduce the risk of infection, and limit any swelling that may occur. It’s important to take some time off work to ensure that you receive enough time to rest and recover. Patients can usually return to their normal daily routine after about a week.

Why Choose Dr. Lao?

Dr. William Lao is a double-board certified plastic surgeon, which is an achievement most NYC plastic surgeons have not accomplished. By visiting the office of Dr. Lao, you’re trusting your hair to a surgeon, rather than a standard medical office. Dr. Lao understands the uniqueness that different genders and ethnicities have in their hair, and how this can affect how he performs the treatment. Because Dr. Lao has experience working with patients from all over the world, he has the expertise and knowledge to help patients of all demographics re-grow the hair of their dreams. Dr. Lao has achieved Top Doc status on multiple media outlets, including NewBeauty, where he is often asked to loan his expertise. While Dr. Lao sees patients of all ethnicities, genders, and ages, he is very well known amongst the Asian community, as the best Asian plastic surgeon in New York. For years, patients have trusted Dr. Lao to help them achieve regrowth of hair and rejuvenation of the scalp.

How Much Does a Hair Transplant Cost in New York City?

The hair transplant procedure in New York an is priced between $5,000 and $15,000. Costs vary based on factors such as the extent of transplantation required and personalized treatment plans. Contact Dr. William Lao to schedule a consultation for a detailed cost estimate and comprehensive information about the procedure.


What are the Common Reasons people lose their hair?

Most people experiencing hair loss in the beginning stages tend to notice their hair thinning in certain areas of their scalp, which can progress over time. This loss can be a result of many factors but some of the most common reasons people do lose their hair are:

  • Genetics and Aging - The most common cause of hair loss is age and genetics, in both men and women. Usually starting when an individual reaches their 50s and worsening as they get older, hair loss can affect anyone at any age. In addition to age, genetics play a big part in hair loss as well. Usually stemming from genes provided by their mother, the genes that determine hair type and texture can vary from population to population.
  • Alopecia Areata - Alopecia is an autoimmune condition that affects the skin and hair follicles. It is a very common condition that currently affects 6.8 million Americans with a lifetime risk of developing this condition at 2.1 percent. Although this condition can begin at any age, it typically starts in childhood.
  • Hormonal Changes - This is one of the primary causes of hair loss in both men and women. For female patients, hormonal changes can occur during pregnancy and menopause. Imbalances in thyroid hormones can also often cause hair loss, as well as high cortisol levels.
  • Scalp Psoriasis - This is a very common skin condition where patches of skin on the individual’s scalp are raised, red, and often scaly. Other symptoms include dry scalp, itching, and flakes that look similar to dandruff. It’s not exactly the condition that causes hair loss, but the constant scratching, picking, stress, and harsh treatment that triggers your hair loss.
  • Harsh Hair Care - Hair care is vital for healthy hair. Harsh hair care can be as simple as overusing healthy hair care practices or as aggressive as using too many chemical treatments.

Is a Hair Transplant painful?

While the procedure itself is considered to be relatively painless, some soreness and discomfort are normal to experience during the following 24 hours of your surgery. This can usually be alleviated with over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen, although Dr. Lao may prescribe you antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication to help ensure a successful and easy recovery.

How long until I see results?

You may be able to notice a change in your thinning or balding spots just a few days after your procedure, however, it is common for some of the recently implanted hair to fall out. On average, a patient can really notice the full benefits within 3-6 months following their procedure when the new hair growth truly kicks in.

Is a Hair Transplant permanent?

For the average patient, the answer is Yes. Most recipients of a hair transplant are able to enjoy the benefits of the procedure for many years to come. There is the occasional situation in which the host’s body rejects the hair plants or their non-treated area will begin to thin out naturally.

What are the risks associated with a Hair Transplant?

While hair transplant surgery is normally a safe procedure, individuals can vary greatly in their healing abilities and physical reactions, and unfortunately, the outcome is never completely predictable. As with any surgical procedure, infection is always a possibility. While very unlikely—especially by top NYC hair transplant surgeon Dr. William Lao— there may also be some excessive bleeding, wide scars (sometimes called “stretch back”) created from tension, the grafts not “taking”, or a “patchy” look caused by hair plugs being placed near patches of hair that continue to thin out.

Can I swim after a hair transplant?

Your hair grafts at the recipient and donor areas will need the proper amount of time to heal and you should take every precaution to avoid any possible infections, so this does mean you should stay out of the water for at least 2 - 4 weeks postsurgery, or until Dr. Lao clears you for the activity. Even after you’ve received an “Okay” to go swimming, you should always be mindful of the transplant donor area. There are also some diving positions, such as when the chin touches the chest or other “head down” positions, where the donor area could take a direct hit which will strain the area.

Will there be scarring?

Hair transplant surgery has come a long way from traditional hair plugs, however, just like any other surgery out there, scarring is an inevitable byproduct of the procedure. Dr. Lao does his absolute best to use the latest techniques to make sure it’s as inconspicuous as possible and the scar’s prominence will fade over time. Those who have shorter or shaved portions of their head may want to consider growing out their hair before your surgery so that during the initial stages of recovery, the healing scar will be better disguised.

Will I need to take time off of work?

The goal of any surgery is to have a healthy recovery, but Dr. Lao also understands the need to get back to work. If you have a work-from-home job, you can start the following day of your surgery if you feel up to it. If this is not your situation, we recommend taking at least five days if possible before returning to work to allow yourself a proper amount of time to heal.

What’s the best age for a hair transplant?

Hair loss can start at any age, with an average of 1-in-5 men noticing a loss or thinning of their hair by the time they hit 20. Although there are no age restrictions when it comes to the procedure, we recommend our patients wait until they’re at least 25 before considering it as hair loss is progressive and there’s still uncertainty as to what kind of hair loss and balding patterns you may experience in the future. As an example, if a patient is concerned about their hairline and has grafts in this area, there is still a potential for the surrounding hair to continue to recede and fall out, leaving a patchy result. You should also be aware that your donor's hair is limited. If you have a transplant at an earlier age only to discover that more hair is falling out, you probably won’t have enough hair to keep “chasing” the hair loss. If you are under the age of 25 and are experiencing hair loss, while it is unfortunate, it is highly likely that you will still be dealing with it in the future. Your head only has a finite supply of hair that can be transplanted, so it needs to be used wisely. If you meet with Dr. Lao, this is something that he will be able to discuss with you and what sort of options you have. Every case we are presented with is evaluated thoroughly on an individual basis, and several age-related factors play a part in candidate suitability for a hair transplant procedure. The main consideration is the current degree of hair loss and the future implications of the patient’s hair loss patterns. We do as much as we can to help preserve the hair and prevent further hair loss for our younger patients. We also monitor the patient’s hair loss over a period of time, allowing us to then decide the most suitable time for a hair transplant procedure, permanently restoring the lost hair.

Schedule Your Consultation

Hair transplantation can help rejuvenate your full head of hair and the confidence that comes along with it. If you’re interested in learning more about the hair transplant procedure in New York City, contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. William Lao today. Dr. Lao is a highly-skilled, double-board-certified plastic surgeon who is dedicated to providing patients with personalized care and stunning results.

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